Friday, February 5, 2010

Great Day!!

I just want to take a second and say what a GrEaT day it's been today. Sometimes they don't come around very often so I'm making it a point to document this one. I don't know why it was so great exactly but it just was. Here's the quick download of how it went.
-Wore a cute outfit to school
-Got lots of treats in school
-My whole class got an extension for a 8-10 page paper
-Finished a week-long presentation today and it went great!!
-Talked to my best friend Micquellyn
-Heard an old favorite song on the radio
-Took a nap
-Watched my favorite shows (which were recorded because I never have time to watch them)
-Made a fabulous lunch
-Still feel the burn from the new workout I did yesterday
-Got a letter :)
My weekend's looking fabulous and it hasn't even really started yet!!!! Bring on the fun!!
Oh and by the way, Micquellyn I never tagged anyone for my 25 random things. So you're officially tagged now. :)

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